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Chicago FOP 7 President Dean Angelo Sr - Further Updated on the 10-Hour Schedule Situation

Fraternal Order of Police, Chicago Lodge #7
January 30, 2016
Further Updated on the 10-Hour Schedule Situation
Since someone in the department felt the uncontrollable urge to share a letter that was addressed to the President of the Lodge, we find it necessary to respond to inform the Members that the letter contained multiple inaccuracies.

When we initially inquired as to why or how that letter was released, the department representative quickly denied that the letter was released. Once we informed the department that their letter had been circulating since last evening, and that it had made it all over the city, we were then told how surprising it was that anyone would do so.  We also mentioned that the person who did so was more than likely wearing a white shirt.

Enough is enough with all of the back and forth on this issue, which is only a problem because the department once again felt it could do anything, to anyone, while not considering anyone but themselves.  Let us be perfectly clear, the only reason the 10-hour schedule is being offered to the Saturation, Gun and Gang Teams is to attempt to have these units make up for the lack of ISRs not being done at the rate the department approves of.
What a surprise!  Now they somehow 'leak' inaccurate information that further attempts to split the Membership.  Once again, rest assured that this letter was sent out by someone NOT an FOP member, again, what a surprise!!

Some things never change, bosses like being bosses and don't like being told no; especially by someone other than another boss.  Far be it that the Lodge works to protect the Membership, and not just the women and men in these three units, but the ENTIRE Membership.  That is our job and that is what we will continue to do.
As this situation progresses please remember one thing; don't believe everything you hear or read...especially if it comes from someone wearing a white shirt. 
Stay Safe and God Bless the Police.
President Dean C. Angelo, Sr.
Fraternal Order of Police, Chicago Lodge #7

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