Gruff ex-Chicago detective Michael Kill (Age 74) defends work in decades-old murder case - Chicago Tribune attempts to slander him and the police department to pander to the blacks
If they called me out of retirement in the tail years of my life to have to defend my honor over a murderous feral Negro.... I would be "Gruffed" too
While testifying for an hour and a half, Michael Kill, thin and frail at 74, managed to insult the Anthony Jakes' family and berated Jakes' attorney to the point that Cook County Judge William Hooks told him to stop.
"Detective Kill, this is not working out," Hooks told him. "You don't get a chance to chastise the attorney or lecture the attorney. All you get is a chance to answer the questions."
Kill put his head down on the witness stand — an animated display of his frustration with the hearing.
Hooks is considering whether to overturn Jakes' 1993 conviction for the killing two years earlier of Rafael Garcia outside a sandwich shop in Chicago's Back of the Yards neighborhood. Jakes was released from prison in 2013 after serving 20 years.
The Tribune detailed Jakes' story as well as Kill's controversial history in a front-page report in September. With his salty, grumpy attitude, Kill hasn't backed down from the lawyers' questioning — or the techniques he used to obtain convictions.
Kill's controversial history remained under the radar, but court records show he has been accused of abusing suspects in at least 19 investigations.
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