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Chicago: Feral Negro Couple Sharese Gamble and Adrian D. Griffin charged in attack of homeless WHITE woman on Mag Mile

PHOTO: Sharese "Rotten Crotch" Gamble and Adrian D. "Sleepy" Griffin

A colored couple with a checkered past chased a homeless woman into a Gold Coast hotel on Friday and beat her, then they stomped her head and face causing injuries that will require surgery, prosecutors alleged in court Saturday.

Associate Judge Peggy Chiampas ordered Sharese Gamble and Adrian D. Griffin each held in lieu of $750,000 bail for the early Friday morning attack inside the Intercontinental Hotel on North Michigan Avenue.

“You will need $75,000 to get out,” Chiampas said tersely to Gamble, who appeared before the judge prior to Griffin on charges of aggravated battery. Gamble appeared despondent and put her hand over her forehead as she left the courtroom. Griffin said nothing during his appearance.

The incident began at about 2:25 a.m. after Gamble, 25, and Griffin, 26, left the Second Story Bar on East Ohio Street and began harassing homeless people along the Mag Mile, prosecutors said in court. Along the way, they encountered a homeless 28-year-old woman sleeping on North Michigan Avenue, according to Assistant Cook County State's Attorney Anna Sedelmaier. The pair pulled the cover from the woman's face and stomped on her before walking away, Sedelmaier said.


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