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Matsui Rena to be Leading Actress of TV "Laundry Chigasaki"

Former SKE48 member Matsui Rena (松井玲奈) will be leading actress of TV drama  "Kanagawa-ken Atsugi-shi Laundry Chigasaki" (神奈川県厚木市 ランドリー茅ヶ崎).

Kanagawa ken Atsugi-shi Laundry Chigasaki is TBS upcoming TV drama, it will begin airing on 15 March 2016.

The theme song of TV drama wiill be Matsui Rena's solo debut single "Shabon" (シャボン) song which she will team with unit Charan-Po-Rantan (チャラン・ポ・ランタン), the single will be released at 6 April 2016.

Matsui Rena and Charan-Po-Rantan

Type A : 
M-1. "Shabon"
M-2. Coupling song A

DVD: "Shabon" MV

Type B :
M-1. "Shabon"
M-2. Coupling song A

DVD: "Shabon" MV making-of video

Type C  (CD only):
M-1. "Shabon"
M-2. Coupling song A
M-3. Coupling song B

Pre-order Shabon at CDJapan:

Shabon / Matsui Rena to Charan-Po-Rantan
Matsui Rena to Charan-Po-Rantan

Shabon / Matsui Rena to Charan-Po-Rantan
Matsui Rena to Charan-Po-Rantan

Shabon / Matsui Rena to Charan-Po-Rantan
Matsui Rena to Charan-Po-Rantan

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