POLICE SHOOTING: Victim sought restraining order day before death; police shoot, kill suspect
A high-speed chase on Interstate 5 early Saturday morning ended with 12 police officers opening fire on a homicide suspect near Tillicum, a Lakewood police spokesman said.
Marcos Perea, the homicide suspect, allegedly fired shots at police several times on the highway after killing his estranged girlfriend, Jessica Ortega, at her workplace in University Place.
Ortega on Friday had submitted a petition for a restraining order against Perea in Pierce County Superior Court. She wrote that she was leaving him and that he recently had threatened her by placing a gun to her head.
“He had a gun pointed at my head telling me it was my time to die,” she wrote.
The tragedy began about 6:15 a.m., when Perea, 41, allegedly shot and killed Ortega, 27, at the University Place Care Center, 5520 Bridgeport Way West, Pierce County Sheriff’s spokesman Ed Troyer said.
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