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Yet another NEGRO BRAWL at Chuck E Chesse - National restaurant chain plagued by BLACK VIOLENCE - Several adults fight in a crowd of children Tuesday at Peoria Illinois Chuck E. Cheese's

  • PEORIA ILLINOIS  — A Negro melee broke out Tuesday evening between several patrons of Chuck E. Cheese's in the Westlake Shopping Center, with too many people fighting for police to keep track and make arrests.
    Officers responded to the children's entertainment area about 6:30 p.m. on a call for a fight between two men outside the business at 2601 W. Lake Ave. They were gone by the time police arrived, according to a report on the incident.
    An employee, however, asked officers to escort out the group of adults and children who were with the men involved in the fight. While police monitored their departure, two women began to fight.
    As officers broke up that fight and escorted one party outside, several more fights erupted among a crowd of dozens of adults and children, and police radioed for backup officers.
    Police ordered everyone out of the business because there were too many people arguing and fighting to control inside, according to the report.
    As the crowd dispersed outside, two women reported a missing wallet and missing debit card, which were not immediately recovered.
    No arrests were made, and no injuries were reported.

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