Hillary Clinton Takes Nude Selfie to Capture the Attention of the Younger Voters.... I hope you didn't just eat....
"Desperate" Hillary Attempts To Connect With Youth
NEW YORK - In what even some Democrats are calling a desperate and ill-advised attempt to connect with the youth vote, Hillary posted her own version of Kim Kardashian's recent nude selfie Thursday night (below).
"I don't know if this was the right move," said one Democrat Senator. "I saw this yesterday and frankly I wasn't able to sleep last night."
Republicans are having a field day at Clinton's expense, roundly condemning the stunt on social media. Donald Trump tweeted Friday morning, "And people wonder why so many guys today are suddenly turning into homos. I mean, come on."
While most of the response was negative, not everyone was critical of Clintons media grab. DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz applauded the stunt. "I think it shows that Hillary is very much with the times and proud to be a vibrant, intelligent woman not afraid to put herself out there.
Make yourself at home.
NEW YORK - In what even some Democrats are calling a desperate and ill-advised attempt to connect with the youth vote, Hillary posted her own version of Kim Kardashian's recent nude selfie Thursday night (below).
"I don't know if this was the right move," said one Democrat Senator. "I saw this yesterday and frankly I wasn't able to sleep last night."
Republicans are having a field day at Clinton's expense, roundly condemning the stunt on social media. Donald Trump tweeted Friday morning, "And people wonder why so many guys today are suddenly turning into homos. I mean, come on."
While most of the response was negative, not everyone was critical of Clintons media grab. DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz applauded the stunt. "I think it shows that Hillary is very much with the times and proud to be a vibrant, intelligent woman not afraid to put herself out there.
Make yourself at home.
nice share ..
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