Triple Treat News
Police Officer Stabbed By 15 Year Old Girl In ISIS Inspired Palestine-Style Kitchen Knife Attack
A young girl walked into a German railway station on Friday and near fatally stabbed the first officer who approached her, and now it has been revealed she is a devotee of the Islamic State.
Three held for murder at Swedish asylum centre
Three men, all aged 25-30, are suspected of murder after the victim was stabbed in the throat.
Police declined to release the nationalities of the casualty or the three alleged attackers.
Two suspects were detained immediately after police arrived at the Storå asylum centre, located 200 kilometres west of Stockholm, and found the victim seriously wounded. He was taken to hospital where he died from his injuries at around 9.30am.
#Rapefugees … They shouted “Swedish whore”
Nathalie Hager, 29, was walking home from a bus stop Tuesday night when three or four Arab men went on the attack. She managed to escape just before they could rape her, but received serious injuries.
I was bruised in the face and had one breast cut down while shouting “Swedish whore”, says Nathalie
NB – Google Translate.
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