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Chicago Tribune Headline Today - 10 years ago: Christina Eilman falls from a Chicago high-rise - What it should have read: 10 years ago: White Gal, Christina Eilman falls raped & beaten by a feral Negro before being thrown off the tenth floor of a closed down CHA Project Building - Chicago & Chicago Police sued for MILLIONS fo dollars

The Media loves to scream WHITE POLICE OFFICER shoots BLACK MAN but will never mention RACE when it's the actions of a FERAL NEGRO on a young white girl.

On  May 8, 2006, a mentally ill woman from California named Christina Eilman plummeted seven stories from a public housing building on Chicago’s South Side. She suffered injuries that caused brain damage and paralysis, but survived.

Eilman’s fall came after a bizarre series of events during the previous 48 hours. The 21-year-old woman was arrested at a CTA station, spent the night in jail, was released into a high-crime neighborhood, was abducted by a stranger and then plunged from the high-rise. Her case led to a $100 million lawsuit against the city and, years later, a $22.5 million settlement, one of the largest Chicago has ever paid to an individual.

Here’s how her case unfolded 10 years ago this week.

A distressed Eilman called her parents from Midway Airport and said she was stranded. Why she was in Chicago was unclear, but her father arranged transportation and a room for her at a hotel near the airport. He also booked her a flight the next day from Chicago to California.

May 7:

10:30 a.m.: Eilman talked to her father on the phone, saying she felt better and would go to Midway to take the flight he had booked for her.

2:15 p.m.: Police arrested Eilman on the CTA platform at Midway after she refused to leave. She was seen dancing in circles, ranting at people and exposing herself. She was taken to the Chicago Lawn District police station.

bout 4 p.m.: An officer left voice-mail messages on the cellphones of Eilman’s parents, telling them their daughter was in custody and expressing concern over her behavior.

About 6 p.m.: Police told Eilman's parents, who had been calling the station, that she was transferred to the Wentworth District station in the Englewood neighborhood on the South Side.

Overnight: Eilman spent hours screaming in her jail cell, kicking the bars and pleading to be taken to a hospital. Other inmates said jail guards dealt with her erratic behavior by telling her to "shut up." One inmate testified that black officers shouted at Eilman, calling her a "white bitch."


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