Drunken White Trash Irishman Colin Murphy, 23, strips and takes a shit on self checkout counter at grocery store America's first known bi-sexual President, Barack Obama, Proclaims June “LGBT Pride Month,” Orders Americans To “Celebrate Diversity”…Try a cock in the ass month!The End of True News USA??? Tech Giants Vow to Tackle Online Hate Speech Within 24 Hours2 alligators found eating black man in Florida - Somehow the alligators survived but the shithead didn't...Feral Negro died Monday night when his girlfriend ran over him with a sports utility vehicle during an argument about 11 p.m. at 5310 Selinsky near Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.Measles Outbreak Traced Back To Illegal Alien At Arizona Detention Center…Blacks pissed at gorilla shooting: white privilege, again!Adolf Hitler Will Still be a Light in the Darkness | Renegade TribuneChicago website= B.L.M.(YEAH RIGHT) Fuckin Animals!!!DRIVING WHILE BLACK & LOOTING... Vehicle smashes into Metro PCS storePolice: 5 White Teens Arrested For Racist Graffiti At Arlington SchoolNEGRO ON NEGRO CRIME: Husband charged for beating would-be rapist to death with tire ironBernie Sanders' Wife Jane Sanders May Have Committed Federal Loan FraudDamn out of control NEGROES - Carnival Fight in Cranston RICounty Judge Lisa Gorcyca who locked up 3 kids faces disciplinary hearing
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