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Charles Lipson, A political science professor at the University of Chicago says American universities are teeming with perpetually offended “delicate snowflakes” who are destroying free speech in academia

 - The Washington Times - Thursday, June 30, 2016
A political science professor at the University of Chicago says American universities are teeming with perpetually offended “delicate snowflakes” who are destroying free speech in academia.
“‘Safety,’ as it happens, is a magic word on campus,” Charles Lipson wrote in an essay for Real Clear Politics. “It has its own special meaning, well beyond legitimate concerns about robbery, sexual assaults, and coercive threats. Some students have stretched the term to mean ‘I feel unsafe because I disagree with your ideas. So shut up. Right now.’ “
“Today, dean-of-students offices are devoted to comforting delicate snowflakes and soothing their feelings. If that means stamping out others’ speech, too bad,” he continued. “The deans are typically helped by small bureaucracies with Orwellian titles such as ‘the Office for Diversity and Inclusion.’ The title is deceptive; these offices are ideologically driven. They are not about ‘including’ Chinese-Americans, Cuban-Americans, Jews who support Israel, or evangelical Christians who may feel themselves beleaguered minorities on campus. The diversity police have zero interest in encouraging diverse viewpoints. Instead, they are university-sponsored advocates for approved minorities, approved viewpoints, and approved grievances. Full stop.”
Mr. Lipson offered a five-step plan that he believes will resolve the “assault on free discussion” on college campuses. First, he asked that university leaderships show “some intellectual courage.”

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