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Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart ignores the fact that Cordarryl Stevenson, Inmate responsible for hostage situation at Cook County Jail this week put officer in coma just last month - treats him with kid's gloves

Sheriff ignored numerous warning signs in inmate responsible for hostage situation at the Cook County Jail.. Also, numerous upper staff walking out on Dart..  

Cordarryl Stevenson, the inmate who was responsible for the hostage situation at the Cook County Jail attacked a Kankakee Corrections officer putting him in the hospital with serious injuries just last month.. The officer spent three weeks in recovery and was left with permanent head injuries.. .. Numerous sources say Sheriff Tom Dart refused to put Stevenson in solitary confinement despite numerous warnings ..  Source says Dart  knew of Stevenson because the Sheriff's office pawned him off to the Kankakee jail last month because he was a known "problem child" at Cook County responsible for numerous attacks on staff and inmates.. Stevenson was also arrested in 2014 for aggravated battery to a police officer.. That officer also sustained serious injuries and has not returned to work..

Mass Exodus at The Jail.. 
In an unprecedented move, five Cook County Jail Superintendents have voluntarily resigned their positions  taken a pay cut and demotion just in the last two months.. Source says they have openly criticized Dart's gross mismanagement at the jail placing officers and other inmates in grave danger..  Dart is so desperate to find upper management he is going outside the jail collecting resumes for Superintendent positions.. Source also claims new hires are quitting in record numbers in which the federal court monitor is ordering the Sheriff to increase hiring immediately to keep staffing levels in compliance with the court mandate.. In just one graduating class from last year over 60% of the new hires have already quit.. 7 have filed lawsuits against Dart saying they were subjected to an unsafe working environment causing PTSD in many cases.. The teamsters union representing the guards claim over 1800 guards have been physically and or sexually assaulted by inmates since 2011 and the Sheriff has only charged or reprimanded a small portion of those inmates responsible.. Inmates who throw feces or bodily fluids in guards faces are rewarded with pizza parties by the Sheriff.. The Sheriff has paid out 67 million in overtime costs since 2014 because of chronic absenteeism problems.. On average each guard calls in absent and or FMLA/ 27 times per year.

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