17-year-old Troubled Colored Boy, Tavon Waters, Repeatedly Slaps 5-Year-Old White Girl on School Bus - NOTHING TO SEE HERE - IT'S TYPICAL NEGRO BEHAVIOR (TNB)
According to the brief description provided in Live Leak, “17-year-old Tavon Waters was riding on a bus with elementary school children. For some reason he told another young girl to slap a 5-year-old white girl. When she didn’t slap the small girl he did.”
Why the hell is a 17-year-old student riding with 5-year-olds in the first place? Can you imagine the public outcry if the roles were reversed and the victim was a 5-year-old Black girl and a 17-year-old White male?
Also, why is a known trouble-maker who is on juvenile probation even allowed to be in the presence of regular, non-criminal students? Shouldn’t he be in a special school or class? Shouldn’t there have been closer supervision of him, especially since he was someone known by school officials as being disruptive and violent?
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