BOYCOTT WHOLE FOOD - They are price gouging WHITE CUSTOMERS while giving the inner city Chicago Negroes VERY VERY DISCOUNTED PRICES - Imagine if this was the other way around!!!!!
CHICAGO NEGRO ENGLEWOOD — You might want to skip your local Whole Foods and head to Englewood the next time you go grocery shopping.
When plans were announced to open a Whole Foods in Englewood, a South Side food desert, officials said prices would be more affordable. On Wednesday, when the doors finally opened, the store put its money where its mouth is.
Compared to prices at the Whole Foods' Lincoln Park location at 1550 N. Kingsbury St., prices on many Englewood Whole Foods items were far cheaper.
The differences are significant.
Eggs are $1.99 in Black Englewood vs $3.99 in WHITE Lincoln Park
Milk is $1.99 in Black Englewood vs $4.19 in WHITE Lincoln Park
Gallon of vanilla ice cream in Black Englewood $3.99 vs $5.99 in WHITE Lincoln Park
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