Feral Negroes In U.S. Military Refuse To Stand For Flag, Anthem - Hmmm I seem to remember a thing call the Uniform Code of Military Justice but that cannot be applied to BLACK MILITARY members under ObamaFAGGOT NEWS Cornell students approve measure to provide tampons in men’s bathrooms - Because gay men's assholes bleed like a bitch when stretched and torn openThe TRUTH shall make you cash!!!! Man shouts 'Bill Clinton is a rapist' on live TV to win $5,000 from InfoWars.com Alex JonesCrooked Deathbed Hillary Clinton mocks young Bernie Sanders supporters while coughing up another Huma Abedin pubic mound hairballGhanaian Born Negro Soldier is suing the Ministry of Defence for £200,000 claiming he got too cold on a military exercise in Wales and was NOT allowed to turn on all four burners on his portable stoveCops Who Write Tickets Solely For Revenue May Soon Face Prison TimeUnder The Fair Justice Act, any police officer charged with enforcing criminal or traffic laws for the sole purpose of raising revenue could face up to five years of prison time.
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