They tried to scare the Negroes & Illegals into voting for Crooked Hillary Clinton - OPINION: Trump Will Try to Eliminate Section 8 and Other Housing Assistance Programs
Democrats urged tax absorbing welfare breeding low income people to get out and vote on Tuesday to make sure programs needed by poor Americans remain intact
Post-Election Update: As Dave gathers his thoughts for his next article about how the Trump presidency will affect the needs of low-income renters, you can apply to more than 500 open Section 8 waiting lists nationwide, and search our website for your area of interest to find affordable housing options near you.
Editorial Note: After deep deliberation we have decided to endorse a candidate for President of the United States because this election may be the most important election in several decades to poor Americans. Affordable Housing Online endorses Hillary Clinton for President. Please vote on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. If you don’t know where your polling place is, look it up here.
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