REPUBLICANS KEEP U.S. HOUSE & SENATE - NEW PRESIDENT IS ALSO REPUBLICANBREAKING NEWS: TRUMP WINS PRESIDENCY, FOX NEWS PROJECTSNOW ON FNC: Watch Fox News Channel's Election Day coverage | LISTEN: FOX News Radio Election coverage 'WE WILL BE BACK': Podesta tells supporters to go home and get some sleep as final tally awaitsSTATEHOUSE VICTORIES: GOP wins governors' races in Vt., Mo., Ind. | SLIDESHOW: Photos of Election Day 2016 TRAFFIC OVERLOAD: Canadian immigration website crashes during election | VIDEO: Celebs react to election results MEDIA BUZZ: Trump beats the media and the Establishment in pulling off the greatest upset everLIZ PEEK: Donald wins — 'Deplorables' trump ClintonEARLY OPPOSITION: Demonstrators gather outside White House to protest Donald TrumpBALLOT MEASURES: Calif. votes to legalize recreational marijuana, Colo. voters back assisted suicide | READ: Exit polls
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