From the YOU CAN'T FIRE AN INEPT NEGRO FILES: Northern Illinois University (NIU) & Black former NIU police chief Donald Grady reach $1 million settlement
Photo: Donald Grady who gave himself A LOT of MEDALS to make up for his manhood "shortcomings"
DeKALB – Former Northern Illinois University Police Chief Donald Grady has agreed to settle his federal civil-rights lawsuit against the university and several current and former administrators for just over $1 million.
As part of the settlement, which was approved by the board without dissent on Thursday, Grady’s firing from the university, which took effect in February 2013, will be rescinded, and Grady will resign voluntarily, his attorney, Michael R. Fox, said. Grady, 63, led the NIU force from 2001 to 2012, when he was placed on leave.
“While Dr. Grady has maintained that his claims were brought in good faith, and NIU and the individual defendants have denied any wrongdoing, university officials and Dr. Grady determined that it is in their best interest to move past their differences,” Fox said.
The university’s insurance carrier will pay $1 million of the settlement, while NIU will pay $25,000, both sides said. Grady's attorneys will receive $575,000 of the settlement, while Grady will receive $425,000 from NIU's insurer, along with $25,000 from NIU, according to settlement documents.
The settlement puts to rest Grady’s claims that he was unfairly terminated and that he was treated differently as a black man than white employees who were allowed to keep their jobs while they faced felony charges in the investigation of the off-the-books “coffee fund.” Grady also claimed his firing was retaliation for his handling of that investigation. Charges against most of the coffee fund defendants were eventually dropped, with two former employees pleading guilty to misdemeanor charges.
In February 2014, Grady sued the NIU Board of Trustees, former President John Peters, former Director of Police and Public Safety Bill Nicklas, and several other officials. He sought an apology, back pay, and to be reinstated as police chief.
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