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Mexican Official On Carrier Deal: ‘Trump Is Telling The Truth’ About Saving US Jobs…

Still not enough for the moonbats and special snowflakes.
A Mexican official from the city that just lost out on 1,000 jobs it expected to take from an Indiana Carrier plant says that Donald Trump is “telling the truth” when he rails against U.S. job losses.
Jaime Garcia Astorga, secretary of economic development of Santa Catarina in the state of Nuevo Leon, told CNBC on Friday that “nobody” believed the president-elect was serious when he “made a lot of declarations” to voters about keeping U.S. jobs in the United States.
Since Carrier agreed Thursday not to ship out some of those jobs, however, “this is a learning experience lesson for our city. This is a learning lesson for our state,” said Garcia.
“Mr. President Trump is telling the truth. I don’t know if it is correct or not correct, but he is telling the truth,” Garcia said. “And he is making the thing that he has promised.”

This Town Gives Trump A Second Look After The Carrier Deal

INDIANAPOLIS — Steeling himself against the cold outside the Carrier air-conditioning plant on Thursday, Brian Dyson is ecstatic.
“Look, when Trump came here and said he was going to save jobs, I saw that as just another promise from a politician. Now I realize he is not a politician but a salesman and a deal-maker,” he said, pausing then adding, “And I kind of like it.”
Last week, President-elect Donald Trump stunned the nation when Carrier tweeted that they had worked out a deal with his team to save at least 1,000 of the 1,400 jobs that were set to be sent to Monterrey, Mexico next year.
When a victorious Trump, in his trademark red tie and blue suit, visited Carrier’s Indianapolis factory on Thursday, he was given a standing ovation by several hundred employees in the company auditorium.
Even among many of the workers who did not vote for the president-elect, the moment was electrifying. “To have the president-elect of the United States come to tell you ‘I have not forgotten you’, well that is a powerful moment for people who have felt as though their quest for dignified work and life was over,” said Dyson.
Dyson, who places sales on the line at the plant, has spent half his life here at Carrier. “It’s been a good job, it’s afforded me the ability to have that middle-class lifestyle that everyone dreams you can achieve when you work hard at your craft,” the 44-year old said.

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