Pro-Trump, pro-white banner found hanging outside Libertyville building “Hail Trump - Unscrupulous America - Make America White Again.” Sign Hung In Libertyville IL
Funny I remember seeing all kinds of signs posted after Obama won his first presidential election - "President Obama - BLACK POWER" - "Blacks will rise again thanks to Obama" and many many more.... NOBODY SAID A FUCKING WORD!
Some Libertyville residents awoke Sunday morning to what appeared to be a message of racism (RACISM???) and intolerance.
Neighbors Alison Montgomery and Terry Gross each saw the large yellow banner across a parking lot from her home. It read: “Hail Trump - Unscrupulous America - Make America White Again.”
Montgomery called the Libertyville Police Department to the business property in the 100 block of Broadway about 8:30 a.m., she said.
“It was something where we don’t legally have the authority,” Sgt. Ed Sindles said. "It’s on private property. So we don’t have the authority to have it removed, but we did contact the business owner to have it removed."
Montgomery said the yellow sign was put in a trash bin soon after her call. An officer came to her door to give her an update on the complaint. Sindles said there was no cause to investigate.
Sindles said he thinks it’s a mixed-use building, meaning it is zoned for commercial/ retail and residential.
Police made calls to representatives of the different properties, eventually reaching a woman agreed to come take a look at the situation. She threw the banner in a garbage bin.
“To take down something that is offensive to someone else, that’d be a violation of their civil rights and free speech,” Sindles said.
He explained the incident was not currently being treated as a crime.
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