Rev Jesse Jackson Sr.... Does the NEGRO SHAKEDOWN to Aldi Foods - ALDI Food Fleeing Black Areas.... No Shit, it's a great business move!
Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr. said that Aldi’s exit from Maywood, where it’s been located since 1992, is part of a more insidious pattern.
“I saw them leave 87th Street (in Chicago), I saw them leave Peoria and now Maywood,” Jackson said. “It looks as if they’re expanding, generally, but moving away from black communities“
If they decide to move, we will make sure that everybody knows they closed the only grocery store in a black community,” Boykin said in front of several local TV news cameras. “[They don’t want to be] the grinch that stole the grocery.”
Maywood Aldi Closing A Done Deal, But Officials Have Made Concessions to the Feral Stealing Negroes...
County Official Says Aldi Would Be ‘The Grinch that Stole the Grocery’ If It Closes Maywood Store - Ironically a big part of the reason they are closing this location is their Cook County Property Taxes WENT UP 80% thanks to the same county officials
Breaking: Aldi Releases Preliminary FREE Shuttle Service Schedule for POOR BLACK Customers
“I saw them leave 87th Street (in Chicago), I saw them leave Peoria and now Maywood,” Jackson said. “It looks as if they’re expanding, generally, but moving away from black communities“
If they decide to move, we will make sure that everybody knows they closed the only grocery store in a black community,” Boykin said in front of several local TV news cameras. “[They don’t want to be] the grinch that stole the grocery.”
Maywood Aldi Closing A Done Deal, But Officials Have Made Concessions to the Feral Stealing Negroes...
County Official Says Aldi Would Be ‘The Grinch that Stole the Grocery’ If It Closes Maywood Store - Ironically a big part of the reason they are closing this location is their Cook County Property Taxes WENT UP 80% thanks to the same county officials
Breaking: Aldi Releases Preliminary FREE Shuttle Service Schedule for POOR BLACK Customers
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