Negroes Having A Roman Candle War on Chicago's Busy Western Ave... But they complain they have no money for life's essentials BUT THEY HAVE MONEY FOR FIREWORKS, BOOZE, WEED, CAR RADIOS AND MORE....
A Roman candle "shootout" broke out in the Near West Side neighborhood earlier this week, and it was caught on video that has received more than a quarter of a million views and counting.
The video shows two groups of street thug Negroes firing Roman candles at each other at Western Avenue and Wilcox Street on Tuesday. Redeye senior photo editor Lenny Gilmore also caught the scene and posted a photo on Instagram.
The video shows two groups of street thug Negroes firing Roman candles at each other at Western Avenue and Wilcox Street on Tuesday. Redeye senior photo editor Lenny Gilmore also caught the scene and posted a photo on Instagram.
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