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23-year-old MUDSHARKER Terri-Marie Palmer stabbed her 24-year-old Negro boyfriend Damon Searson because he rather play on FACEBOOK than her stanky punany

There's #relationshipgoals like the multi-million dollar lottery winner who's spent millions bailing out her boyfriend on four different occasions and then relationships that don't end in happily ever after. Unlike this teen who allegedlymurdered her boyfriend and posted about it on Facebook the following woman killed her boyfriend because he was frequenting Facebook too often. 
According to the Daily Mail, 23-year-old Terri-Marie Palmer stabbed her 24-year-old boyfriend Damon Searson right after posting a disgruntled Facebook status in which she complained about him. The Daily Mail reports the status read: "p***** me off sitting on Facebook, completely blanking me when I'm talking to him."
Palmer stabbed Searson's heart with a bread knife as he was reportedly on his phone checking messages.
Last week a court found Palmer guilty and gave her a life sentence for Searson's murder.
The Daily Mail reports the couple met in Palmer's Costa Del Sol hair salon where she was a hairdresser. The relationship that followed was called "stormy" and "on-off" writes the Daily Mail. Searson and Palmer moved into a trailer in Lancashire, England. 
Palmer was bother by Searson months before his death because he bought a cellphone and would take shirtless photos to post on Facebook where he would allegedly add girls. 
Days before Searson's death the two argued over text. "Crying myself to sleep for the second time this week and it's only Wednesday. Thanks Damon. I'm so angry and hurt I honestly want to f****** stab you," reads a text from Palmer according to the Daily Mail.

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