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Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart & State Senator Bill Cunningham places Jerome Watson convicted muderer on house arrest despite 38 arrests

If you live in Cook County and do not apply for a Concealed Carry permit after reading this you need your head examined.   

I'm a police officer in the South Suburbs. We arrested subject Watson, Jerome DOB 9/3/7*. about two weeks ago. Jerome has 38 prior arrests including numerous felonies. Criminal history stated Jerome is a registered violent murderer in a moving status. Gang alert stated Mickey Cobra.  Jerome had a Cook County Sheriff Electronic Monitoring Bracelet on his right ankle. He stated is was placed on him for a another recent charge of burglary and he already served the mandatory probation for the murder charge. I called the Sheriff's E.M. unit to inform them we had Jerome is custody. Their response was shocking to say the least. They informed they were NOT going immediately charge him for violating his EM conditions and if he bonded out on the new charge they would "catch up with him later."  The informed me Jerome was basically a needle in a hay stack and they have thousands of such cases. Is this nuts or what. 


Springfield Office:
Senator 18th District
M115 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-5145
(217) 782-2115 FAX
District Offices:
10400 South Western Avenue
Chicago, IL 60643
(773) 445-8128
(773) 672-5143 FAX

16033 S. 94th Avenue
Orland Hills, IL 60477
(708) 233-9703

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