Mary Ann Blakemore, a lifelong freeloading welfare breeding Negro sues the Housing Authority of Cook County for a new free place to live after her breeding welfare daughter's boyfriend burns down their last free apartment
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After a nearly yearlong court battle, the Housing Authority of Cook County has provided a new apartment to a Chicago Heights woman who lost her unit when her daughter's boyfriend firebombed her home, destroying the apartment and critically injuring her.Mary Ann Blakemore was given a new apartment in a south suburban public housing complex and she will also get some financial aid from the Housing Authority to help replace the belongings she lost in the fire.
The agency agreed to re-train its employees on how to recognize tenants with special circumstances and they will have to learn more about laws designed to protect victims of domestic violence and residents with disabilities. They will also undergo more training on the Fair Housing Act, officials said.
"We think that the training element of this settlement is a big victory," said Neha Lall, a senior attorney with LAF, which was once known as the Legal Assistance Foundation of Chicago. The group represented Blakemore in court. "Although these laws have been in place for over a decade, housing providers receiving federal funding do not seem to understand what their obligations are."
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