Melvindale Michigan Police Chief Chad Hayse fired for calling Mayor Stacy Striz a "CUNT" and "BITCH" among other things....
Sticks and Stones can break my bones... But Names will get you fired!
Chad Hayse was terminated effective, immediately Tuesday evening at the second of two hearings at city hall to discuss his future. Hayse had been suspended without notice.
It was dubbed a quazi-trial. The former police chief was the defendant with the city council as the jury and a lawyer from Farmington Hills, with no connection to city as the judge.
They heard testimony from current officers to support claims that Hayse used many vulgar terms in reference to mayor including the "b" word and "c" word.
"I've actually spoke with him and said that is not a good idea," said Officer Patrick Easton. "Especially to say in front of newer officers that look up to him."
Hayse denies the allegations, but the mayor and council say it goes beyond name calling.
There was testimony that he disciplined an officer without filing paperwork, took issue with the city's towing company which allegedly led to him asking officers not to give the tow company business, and used social media to spread propaganda about a 911 dispatch merger.
All of which the council decided, created a toxic work environment.
"It's been an honor to serve the citizens of Melvindale," Hayse said. "And I'm sorry I won't be able to complete my career here."
The Public Safety Commission voted to fire him in 2012 when he was interim police chief, but he was later reinstated. Those reasons were never divulged.
"We've had ongoing problems in the department," said Mayor Stacy Striz. "And finally it got to a point where we needed to take some action."
The trial lasted two days with more than 5 1/2 hours of testimony. After hearing the verdict the former chief had little to say on what the future holds.
FOX 2: "What are you going to do now?"
Hayse: "Go home."
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