Mohammad Robinson, 31, was fatally shot outside a McDonald’s in Las Vegas after not holding the door open for a woman
I'm thinking.... JUST LIKE YOU ARE THINKING... there is more to this story than being actually reported....
Mohammad Robinson, 31, died on Saturday night after he was gunned down outside the fast food chain near Pecos.
His daughter Miniya, 14, said her father’s best friend witnessed the shooting and told her it followed an argument about not holding the door open for a woman.
She told KSNV News: ‘It was a stupid reason honestly, irrelevant.
‘It doesn’t make any sense why would you actually take someone’s life over not opening a door.’
Miniya said she was told her father got into an argument with a woman after the restaurant’s door was not held open for her.
The man she was with then shot him.
Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2016/08/30/man-killed-for-not-opening-door-for-woman-at-mcdonalds-6100039/#ixzz4IwCv6Oio
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