TRUE NEWS USA - Viewer Submitted News, Links and More
Negro Affirmative Action School Bus company at center of wreck that left at least SIX DEAD had 142 injury crashes, 3 deaths in 2 years
Airline Pilot Goes Above And Beyond For Fallen Soldier
While driving with his hazard lights on, this driver knew he had a problem with his front wheel .... and it was all caught on camera !
Popeye's Chicken Refuses To Serve Blind Man With Guide Dog
President Obama's Goodbye Gift to WHITIE - Low Housing Poor Negroes into High End Expensive Neighborhoods at Whitie's Expense
In Which States Has Food-Stamp Use Increased The Most | Zero Hedge
60 Minutes: George Soros Is Proud Of Using Nazis
GOOD FRIDAY AXED BY INDIANA MAYOR - Christians not entitled to a holiday
CAUGHT ON CAMERA - Doomed by their last bid to reach Europe: Migrants drown as they sink their own boat after crashing it into side of Tunisian fishing trawler they mistook for the coast guard
President Barack Obama Declares War on Infowars, Breitbart
Six rebel electors have signed an agreement to try to block Donald Trump from securing the 270 Electoral College votes needed to become president
Hint To Broadway Elitist Anti-Trump & Anti-White Liberals: Regular Americans Can’t Afford ‘Hamilton’ Tickets…
FDNY Hires Nine Negro Ex-Felons Amid Effort To Boost “Diversity”
Obama Regime Fines Denver Sheriff’s Dept. $10,000 For Not Hiring Non-Citizens….
Welfare Negro threatened to shoot EMS workers because of hospital they were taking him
OBAMA'S AMERICA: THOUSANDS Of Immigration Green Cards Have Disappeared
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